
Tasks related to creating, submitting, simulating, and configuring ethereum transactions.



> ensTransactionDeploy <contract-name-or-deployment-alias> [<constructor-arg-if-applicable> <constructor-arg-if-applicable>...]

Deploys a compiled smart contract, based on the smart contract’s name.

If the smart contract’s constructor accepts arguments, those should be provided after the smart contract’s name.

Although sbt will execute the compile task if necessary when this task is run, it’s best to run compile first so that tab completion both contract name and constructor arguments can function.

> compile
[info] Compiling 1 Solidity source to /Users/swaldman/Dropbox/BaseFolders/development-why/gitproj/eth-who-am-i/target/ethereum/solidity...
[info] Compiling 'WhoAmI.sol'. (Debug source: '/Users/swaldman/Dropbox/BaseFolders/development-why/gitproj/eth-who-am-i/target/ethereum/solidity/WhoAmI.sol')
[info] No Scala stubs will be generated as the setting 'ethcfgScalaStubsPackage' has not ben set.
[info] If you'd like Scala stubs to be generated, please define 'ethcfgScalaStubsPackage'.
[info] Updating ...
[info] Done updating.
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 12:23:55 PM
> ethTransactionDeploy <tab>
sbt:eth-who-am-i> ethTransactionDeploy WhoAmI
[info] Unlocking address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (on chain with ID 1, aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])
Enter passphrase or hex private key for address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4': *******************
[info] V3 wallet(s) found for '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])
[info] Waiting for the transaction to be mined (will wait up to 5 minutes).

==> T R A N S A C T I O N   S U B M I S S I O N   R E Q U E S T
==> The transaction would be a contract creation with...
==>   From:  0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4 (with aliases ['default-sender','testing0'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   Init:  0x608060405234801561001057600080fd5b5060ae8061001f6000396000f300608060405260043610603e5763ffffffff7c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600035041663da91254c81146043575b600080fd5b348015604e57600080fd5b506055607e565b6040805173ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff9092168252519081900360200190f35b33905600a165627a7a7230582077a9cf6805f0a9dff41a2a42693a4fc37ec627fcffd7435a82ecfe836cc7cda50029
==>   Value: 0 Ether
==> The nonce of the transaction would be 380.
==> $$$ The transaction you have requested could use up to 119197 units of gas.
==> $$$ You would pay 1.5 gwei for each unit of gas, for a maximum cost of 0.0001787955 ether.
==> $$$ This is worth 0.0240971635125 USD (according to Coinbase at 12:24 PM).

Would you like to submit this transaction? [y/n] y
A transaction with hash '0x38403eaf8b08b19a37ccf70f6d1b1208e8a08bcfe7ff7c98437eab22fc4c567b' will be submitted. Please wait.
[info] Transaction Receipt:
[info]        Transaction Hash:    0x38403eaf8b08b19a37ccf70f6d1b1208e8a08bcfe7ff7c98437eab22fc4c567b
[info]        Transaction Index:   92
[info]        Transaction Status:  SUCCEEDED
[info]        Block Hash:          0xa4a7ee6cb3bccbf805227a41386c9db56cf737fa4e9b5ce430d91cc40e89a9a5
[info]        Block Number:        7433255
[info]        From:                0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4
[info]        To:                  Unknown
[info]        Cumulative Gas Used: 6262704
[info]        Gas Used:            99331
[info]        Contract Address:    0xea198d96919be797c5aaac713b2698784ff9a0f4
[info]        Logs:                None
[info]        Events:              None
[info] Contract 'WhoAmI' deployed in transaction '0x38403eaf8b08b19a37ccf70f6d1b1208e8a08bcfe7ff7c98437eab22fc4c567b'.
[info] Contract 'WhoAmI' has been assigned address '0xea198d96919be797c5aaac713b2698784ff9a0f4'.
Enter an optional alias for the newly deployed 'WhoAmI' contract at '0xea198d96919be797c5aaac713b2698784ff9a0f4' (or [return] for none): who-who
[info] Alias 'who-who' now points to address '0xea198d96919be797c5aaac713b2698784ff9a0f4' (for chain with ID 1).
[info] Refreshing caches.
[success] Total time: 491 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 12:32:56 PM



> ethTransactionEtherSend <destination-address-as-hex-or-ens-or-alias> <amount-quantity> <amount-unit = wei|gwei|szabo|finney|ether>

Creates and submits a transaction that sends Ether to the destination address.


> ethTransactionEtherSend 0xae79b77e31387a3b2409b70c27cebc7220101026 0.01 ether
[info] Unlocking address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (on chain with ID 1, aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])
Enter passphrase or hex private key for address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4': *******************
[info] V3 wallet(s) found for '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])

==> T R A N S A C T I O N   S U B M I S S I O N   R E Q U E S T
==> The transaction would be a message with...
==>   To:    0xae79b77e31387a3b2409b70c27cebc7220101026 (with aliases ['testing1'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   From:  0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4 (with aliases ['default-sender','testing0'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   Data:  None
==>   Value: 0.01 Ether
==> The transaction is signed with Chain ID 1 (which correctly matches the current session's 'ethNodeChainId').
==> The nonce of the transaction would be 381.
==> $$$ The transaction you have requested could use up to 25200 units of gas.
==> $$$ You would pay 2.4 gwei for each unit of gas, for a maximum cost of 0.00006048 ether.
==> $$$ This is worth 0.00814272480 USD (according to Coinbase at 12:44 PM).
==> $$$ You would also send 0.01 ether (1.34635 USD), for a maximum total cost of 0.01006048 ether (1.35449272480 USD).

Would you like to submit this transaction? [y/n] y
A transaction with hash '0xb55148aec97c08bc70a923f351a2154f66097783aa0f058b2007834b63bad138' will be submitted. Please wait.
[info] Sending 10000000000000000 wei to address '0xae79b77e31387a3b2409b70c27cebc7220101026' in transaction '0xb55148aec97c08bc70a923f351a2154f66097783aa0f058b2007834b63bad138'.
[info] Waiting for the transaction to be mined (will wait up to 5 minutes).
[info] Transaction Receipt:
[info]        Transaction Hash:    0xb55148aec97c08bc70a923f351a2154f66097783aa0f058b2007834b63bad138
[info]        Transaction Index:   26
[info]        Transaction Status:  SUCCEEDED
[info]        Block Hash:          0x2c9cf887cbed5ae64512a9310c50947af98f9c1392865570bd5b661241cd88d0
[info]        Block Number:        7433327
[info]        From:                0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4
[info]        To:                  0xae79b77e31387a3b2409b70c27cebc7220101026
[info]        Cumulative Gas Used: 1335634
[info]        Gas Used:            21000
[info]        Contract Address:    None
[info]        Logs:                None
[info]        Events:              None
[info] Ether sent.
[success] Total time: 29 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 12:44:52 PM



> ethTransactionForward [optional-signed-transaction-as-hex]

Forwards a signed ethereum transaction to the currently configured node.

The signed transaction can be provided as a hex string on the command line, or will be solicited interactively by the command.


> ethTransactionForward
Enter the path to a file containing a binary signed transaction, or just [return] to paste or type hex data manually: /tmp/new-fortune-signed.bin

==> T R A N S A C T I O N   S U B M I S S I O N   R E Q U E S T
==> The transaction would be a message with...
==>   To:    0x82ea8ab1e836272322f376a5f71d5a34a71688f1 (with aliases ['fortune','fortune3'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   From:  0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4 (with aliases ['default-sender','testing0'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   Data:  0x4cf373e6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000315468652064617920616674657220746f6d6d6f726f772077696c6c20626520612070726574747920676f6f64206461792e000000000000000000000000000000
==>   Value: 0 Ether
==> The transaction is signed with Chain ID 1 (which correctly matches the current session's 'ethNodeChainId').
==> According to the ABI currently associated with the 'to' address, this message would amount to the following method call...
==>   Function called: addFortune(string)
==>     Arg 1 [name=fortune, type=string]: "The day after tommorow will be a pretty good day."
==> The nonce of the transaction would be 382.
==> $$$ The transaction you have requested could use up to 113234 units of gas.
==> $$$ You would pay 3.2 gwei for each unit of gas, for a maximum cost of 0.0003623488 ether.
==> $$$ This is worth 0.0488573004480 USD (according to Coinbase at 12:58 PM).

Would you like to submit this transaction? [y/n] y
A transaction with hash '0xe1b27dc0963e92ef84b128d9eef0518379a9f20ec2c152d21e24a8e85d4d8bfb' will be submitted. Please wait.
[info] Sending signed transaction with transaction hash '0xe1b27dc0963e92ef84b128d9eef0518379a9f20ec2c152d21e24a8e85d4d8bfb'.
[info] Transaction Receipt:
[info]        Transaction Hash:    0xe1b27dc0963e92ef84b128d9eef0518379a9f20ec2c152d21e24a8e85d4d8bfb
[info]        Transaction Index:   7
[info]        Transaction Status:  SUCCEEDED
[info]        Block Hash:          0xf7a2e8f1686298043a3a390f9f7f75afe696b554f33c5f947417c725b03737ad
[info]        Block Number:        7433396
[info]        From:                0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4
[info]        To:                  0x82ea8ab1e836272322f376a5f71d5a34a71688f1
[info]        Cumulative Gas Used: 438922
[info]        Gas Used:            94362
[info]        Contract Address:    None
[info]        Logs:                0 => EthLogEntry [source=0x82ea8ab1e836272322f376a5f71d5a34a71688f1] (
[info]                                    topics=[
[info]                                      0xaf1abf70f2d9f0d04e56242efc047451c912ad8f53a3b6d4391246d92ce889ff
[info]                                    ],
[info]                                    data=000000000000000000000000465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4
[info]                                         0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040
[info]                                         0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000031
[info]                                         5468652064617920616674657220746f6d6d6f726f772077696c6c2062652061
[info]                                         2070726574747920676f6f64206461792e000000000000000000000000000000
[info]                                  )
[info]        Events:              <no abi available to interpret logs as events>
[info] Transaction mined.
[success] Total time: 26 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 12:59:15 PM


See gas commands page, or choose a command below:




> ethTransactionInvoke <contract-address-as-hex-or-ens-or-alias> <name-of-function-to-call> [<function-argument> <function-argument>...]

Creates and submits a transaction representing a function call to a smart contract for which a contract abi is available.

Restricted to mutators, functions that might modify the blockchain.

For read-only operations (functions marked pure or view), use ethTransactionView.


> ethTransactionInvoke pingpong <tab>
ping    pong    
> ethTransactionInvoke pingpong ping <tab>
<payload, of type string>   ​                            
> ethTransactionInvoke pingpong ping "Whoops!"
[info] Unlocking address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (on chain with ID 1, aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])
Enter passphrase or hex private key for address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4': *******************
[info] V3 wallet(s) found for '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])

==> T R A N S A C T I O N   S U B M I S S I O N   R E Q U E S T
==> The transaction would be a message with...
==>   To:    0x353e8352f0782b827d72757dab9cc9464c7e9a3b (with aliases ['pingpong'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   From:  0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4 (with aliases ['default-sender','testing0'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   Data:  0x3adb191b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000757686f6f70732100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
==>   Value: 0 Ether
==> The transaction is signed with Chain ID 1 (which correctly matches the current session's 'ethNodeChainId').
==> According to the ABI currently associated with the 'to' address, this message would amount to the following method call...
==>   Function called: ping(string)
==>     Arg 1 [name=payload, type=string]: "Whoops!"
==> The nonce of the transaction would be 383.
==> $$$ The transaction you have requested could use up to 42126 units of gas.
==> $$$ You would pay 2 gwei for each unit of gas, for a maximum cost of 0.000084252 ether.
==> $$$ This is worth 0.011355063300 USD (according to Coinbase at 1:13 PM).

Would you like to submit this transaction? [y/n] y
A transaction with hash '0xc31664e9cb83a29cfb6049c161a98253c6b57201c97dbef6637713c81c3ffd5f' will be submitted. Please wait.
[info] Called function 'ping', with args '"Whoops!"', sending 0 wei to address '0x353e8352f0782b827d72757dab9cc9464c7e9a3b' in transaction '0xc31664e9cb83a29cfb6049c161a98253c6b57201c97dbef6637713c81c3ffd5f'.
[info] Waiting for the transaction to be mined (will wait up to 5 minutes).
[info] Transaction Receipt:
[info]        Transaction Hash:    0xc31664e9cb83a29cfb6049c161a98253c6b57201c97dbef6637713c81c3ffd5f
[info]        Transaction Index:   18
[info]        Transaction Status:  SUCCEEDED
[info]        Block Hash:          0x90e6709ed2d7a945148a52909de552deb6780a36714aa05b96a6e7a8de5a04fb
[info]        Block Number:        7433471
[info]        From:                0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4
[info]        To:                  0x353e8352f0782b827d72757dab9cc9464c7e9a3b
[info]        Cumulative Gas Used: 7921524
[info]        Gas Used:            35105
[info]        Contract Address:    None
[info]        Logs:                0 => EthLogEntry [source=0x353e8352f0782b827d72757dab9cc9464c7e9a3b] (
[info]                                    topics=[
[info]                                      0xadfa1f0ce4eb1d83af9464a1ab1144799ce4ec3f71e9a0478e437b4b63bafd55
[info]                                    ],
[info]                                    data=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020
[info]                                         0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007
[info]                                         57686f6f70732100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[info]                                  )
[info]        Events:              0 => Pinged [source=0x353e8352f0782b827d72757dab9cc9464c7e9a3b] (
[info]                                    payload (of type string): "Whoops!"
[info]                                  )
[success] Total time: 63 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 1:14:36 PM



> ethTransactionInvokeAny <contract-address-as-hex-or-ens-or-alias> <name-of-function-to-call> [<function-argument> <function-argument>...]

Creates and submits a transaction representing a function call to a smart contract for which a contract abi is available.

Same as ethTransactionInvoke, except not restricted to mutators (functions that might modify the blockchain). You can, if you wish, submit an Ethereum transaction embedding a call to a read-only (pure or view) method with this task. It’s not clear why you’d ever want to do that, though. The task is defined for a kind of completeness.



> ethTransactionLookup 0x3919a71d8d00aafe750a2d58293e5aa7aff73b02b40554d7069fcde52d441feb

Looks up and displays information about any past transaction incorporated into the blockchain.


> ethTransactionLookup 0x3919a71d8d00aafe750a2d58293e5aa7aff73b02b40554d7069fcde52d441feb
[info] Looking up transaction '0x3919a71d8d00aafe750a2d58293e5aa7aff73b02b40554d7069fcde52d441feb' (will wait up to 5 minutes).
[info] Transaction Receipt:
[info]        Transaction Hash:    0x3919a71d8d00aafe750a2d58293e5aa7aff73b02b40554d7069fcde52d441feb
[info]        Transaction Index:   72
[info]        Transaction Status:  SUCCEEDED
[info]        Block Hash:          0x8c0596e7397bd2f34715b090ca5c34aaaad95bf495b9354df0292ce49a81e026
[info]        Block Number:        7433550
[info]        From:                0xb2930b35844a230f00e51431acae96fe543a0347
[info]        To:                  0x6aa9517185430d5de0fdd57105b422f4a114ef20
[info]        Cumulative Gas Used: 7768871
[info]        Gas Used:            21000
[info]        Contract Address:    None
[info]        Logs:                None
[info]        Events:              None
[success] Total time: 4 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 1:39:59 PM



> ethTransactionMock <contract-address-as-hex-or-ens-or-alias> <name-of-function-to-call> [<function-argument> <function-argument>...]

Simulates a transaction representing a function call to a smart contract for which a contract abi is available, and prints what the return value would have been, without actually making any permanent alteration of the blockchain.

Example, mock-incrementing a counter twice; incrementing once with a real, unsimulated, transaction; mock-incrementing twice again:

> ethTransactionMock counter increment
[warn] Simulating the result of calling nonconstant function 'increment'.
[warn] An actual transaction would occur sometime in the future, with potentially different results!
[warn] No changes that would have been made to the blockchain by a call of this function will be preserved.
[info] The function 'increment' yields 1 result.
[info]  + Result 1 of type 'uint256', named 'new_count', is 2
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 7:21:39 PM
> ethTransactionMock counter increment
[warn] Simulating the result of calling nonconstant function 'increment'.
[warn] An actual transaction would occur sometime in the future, with potentially different results!
[warn] No changes that would have been made to the blockchain by a call of this function will be preserved.
[info] The function 'increment' yields 1 result.
[info]  + Result 1 of type 'uint256', named 'new_count', is 2
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 7:21:44 PM
> ethTransactionInvoke counter increment
[info] Unlocking address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (on chain with ID 1, aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])
Enter passphrase or hex private key for address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4': *******************
[info] V3 wallet(s) found for '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])

==> T R A N S A C T I O N   S U B M I S S I O N   R E Q U E S T
==> The transaction would be a message with...
==>   To:    0x20a4aae4677855681294158ef38344aead83a423 (with aliases ['counter','counterpoint'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   From:  0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4 (with aliases ['default-sender','testing0'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   Data:  0xd09de08a
==>   Value: 0 Ether
==> The transaction is signed with Chain ID 1 (which correctly matches the current session's 'ethNodeChainId').
==> According to the ABI currently associated with the 'to' address, this message would amount to the following method call...
==>   Function called: increment()
==> The nonce of the transaction would be 387.
==> $$$ The transaction you have requested could use up to 33645 units of gas.
==> $$$ You would pay 3 gwei for each unit of gas, for a maximum cost of 0.000100935 ether.
==> $$$ This is worth 0.01370293560 USD (according to Coinbase at 7:22 PM).

Would you like to submit this transaction? [y/n] y
A transaction with hash '0x4a8b0e887812d741c721624aba439d774bae72da86e83f159abf006a30620833' will be submitted. Please wait.
[info] Called function 'increment', with args '', sending 0 wei to address '0x20a4aae4677855681294158ef38344aead83a423' in transaction '0x4a8b0e887812d741c721624aba439d774bae72da86e83f159abf006a30620833'.
[info] Waiting for the transaction to be mined (will wait up to 5 minutes).
[info] Transaction Receipt:
[info]        Transaction Hash:    0x4a8b0e887812d741c721624aba439d774bae72da86e83f159abf006a30620833
[info]        Transaction Index:   55
[info]        Transaction Status:  SUCCEEDED
[info]        Block Hash:          0xa7e39eaf790c8376a64f796376366496212bd4c2ea17a5681e52a42f1673b98c
[info]        Block Number:        7435139
[info]        From:                0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4
[info]        To:                  0x20a4aae4677855681294158ef38344aead83a423
[info]        Cumulative Gas Used: 5696022
[info]        Gas Used:            28038
[info]        Contract Address:    None
[info]        Logs:                0 => EthLogEntry [source=0x20a4aae4677855681294158ef38344aead83a423] (
[info]                                    topics=[
[info]                                      0x230c08f549f5f9e591e87490c6c26b3715ba3bdbe74477c4ec927b160763f767
[info]                                    ],
[info]                                    data=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
[info]                                         0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
[info]                                  )
[info]        Events:              0 => Incremented [source=0x20a4aae4677855681294158ef38344aead83a423] (
[info]                                    old_count (of type uint256): 1,
[info]                                    new_count (of type uint256): 2
[info]                                  )
[success] Total time: 29 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 7:22:22 PM
> ethTransactionMock counter increment
[warn] Simulating the result of calling nonconstant function 'increment'.
[warn] An actual transaction would occur sometime in the future, with potentially different results!
[warn] No changes that would have been made to the blockchain by a call of this function will be preserved.
[info] The function 'increment' yields 1 result.
[info]  + Result 1 of type 'uint256', named 'new_count', is 3
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 7:22:32 PM
> ethTransactionMock counter increment
[warn] Simulating the result of calling nonconstant function 'increment'.
[warn] An actual transaction would occur sometime in the future, with potentially different results!
[warn] No changes that would have been made to the blockchain by a call of this function will be preserved.
[info] The function 'increment' yields 1 result.
[info]  + Result 1 of type 'uint256', named 'new_count', is 3
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 7:22:39 PM


See nonce commands page, or choose a command below:




> ethTransactionPing [optional-destination-address-as-hex-or-ens-or-alias]

Sends an “empty” message transaction — with no data and no Ether — to the supplied address. If no address is supplied, the currently configured sender address sends an empty message to itself.

(This is just a cheap form of test transaction.)


> ethTransactionPing
[info] No recipient address supplied, sender address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' will ping itself.
[warn] Using hard-coded, backstop node URL '', which may not be reliable.
[warn] Please use 'ethNodeUrlDefaultSet` to define a node URL (for chain with ID 1) to which you have reliable access.
[info] Unlocking address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (on chain with ID 1, aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])
Enter passphrase or hex private key for address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4': *******************
[info] V3 wallet(s) found for '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])

==> T R A N S A C T I O N   S U B M I S S I O N   R E Q U E S T
==> The transaction would be a message with...
==>   To:    0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4 (with aliases ['default-sender','testing0'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   From:  0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4 (with aliases ['default-sender','testing0'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   Data:  None
==>   Value: 0 Ether
==> The transaction is signed with Chain ID 1 (which correctly matches the current session's 'ethNodeChainId').
==> The nonce of the transaction would be 388.
==> $$$ The transaction you have requested could use up to 25200 units of gas.
==> $$$ You would pay 1 gwei for each unit of gas, for a maximum cost of 0.0000252 ether.
==> $$$ This is worth 0.0034220340 USD (according to Coinbase at 7:47 PM).

Would you like to submit this transaction? [y/n] y
A transaction with hash '0xc334b218679a7f27ad495ee0550853f142ab1c83700a0e532d9e194e1e5ae3c1' will be submitted. Please wait.
[info] Sending 0 wei to address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' in transaction '0xc334b218679a7f27ad495ee0550853f142ab1c83700a0e532d9e194e1e5ae3c1'.
[info] Waiting for the transaction to be mined (will wait up to 5 minutes).
[info] Transaction Receipt:
[info]        Transaction Hash:    0xc334b218679a7f27ad495ee0550853f142ab1c83700a0e532d9e194e1e5ae3c1
[info]        Transaction Index:   142
[info]        Transaction Status:  SUCCEEDED
[info]        Block Hash:          0x0b67f2fa305c388da9d275c4881bc7f9a919819b97036df1ec0fbe37d7fbf79b
[info]        Block Number:        7435270
[info]        From:                0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4
[info]        To:                  0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4
[info]        Cumulative Gas Used: 6982711
[info]        Gas Used:            21000
[info]        Contract Address:    None
[info]        Logs:                None
[info]        Events:              None
[info] Ether sent.
[info] Ping succeeded!
[info] Sent 0 ether from '465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' to itself in transaction '0xc334b218679a7f27ad495ee0550853f142ab1c83700a0e532d9e194e1e5ae3c1'
[success] Total time: 49 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 7:47:43 PM



> ethTransactionRaw <destination-address-as-hex-or-ens-or-alias> <raw-data-as-hex> <amount-quantity> <amount-unit = wei|gwei|szabo|finney|ether>

Creates and submits a “raw” transaction, for which the caller provides the message data directly as a hex string. (For complete control of all fields of the transactions, specify gas price and gas limit overrides and a nonce override.)


> ethTransactionRaw counter 0xd09de08a 0 ether
[info] Unlocking address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (on chain with ID 1, aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])
Enter passphrase or hex private key for address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4': *******************
[info] V3 wallet(s) found for '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])

==> T R A N S A C T I O N   S U B M I S S I O N   R E Q U E S T
==> The transaction would be a message with...
==>   To:    0x20a4aae4677855681294158ef38344aead83a423 (with aliases ['counter','counterpoint'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   From:  0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4 (with aliases ['default-sender','testing0'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   Data:  0xd09de08a
==>   Value: 0 Ether
==> The transaction is signed with Chain ID 1 (which correctly matches the current session's 'ethNodeChainId').
==> According to the ABI currently associated with the 'to' address, this message would amount to the following method call...
==>   Function called: increment()
==> The nonce of the transaction would be 390.
==> $$$ The transaction you have requested could use up to 33645 units of gas.
==> $$$ You would pay 5 gwei for each unit of gas, for a maximum cost of 0.000168225 ether.
==> $$$ This is worth 0.02279953425 USD (according to Coinbase at 8:13 PM).

Would you like to submit this transaction? [y/n] y
A transaction with hash '0x3c46890e52ca3dd6f798227eecd0aa1e138b3bce52f6752793a25bcec79e0cda' will be submitted. Please wait.
[info] Sending data '0xd09de08a' with 0 wei to address '0x20a4aae4677855681294158ef38344aead83a423' in transaction '0x3c46890e52ca3dd6f798227eecd0aa1e138b3bce52f6752793a25bcec79e0cda'.
[info] Transaction Receipt:
[info]        Transaction Hash:    0x3c46890e52ca3dd6f798227eecd0aa1e138b3bce52f6752793a25bcec79e0cda
[info]        Transaction Index:   90
[info]        Transaction Status:  SUCCEEDED
[info]        Block Hash:          0x13fdf9406762a2691dbe6dde0e2117548a913075c1f4617d9e2c6c71773218df
[info]        Block Number:        7435376
[info]        From:                0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4
[info]        To:                  0x20a4aae4677855681294158ef38344aead83a423
[info]        Cumulative Gas Used: 2191898
[info]        Gas Used:            28038
[info]        Contract Address:    None
[info]        Logs:                0 => EthLogEntry [source=0x20a4aae4677855681294158ef38344aead83a423] (
[info]                                    topics=[
[info]                                      0x230c08f549f5f9e591e87490c6c26b3715ba3bdbe74477c4ec927b160763f767
[info]                                    ],
[info]                                    data=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003
[info]                                         0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004
[info]                                  )
[info]        Events:              0 => Incremented [source=0x20a4aae4677855681294158ef38344aead83a423] (
[info]                                    old_count (of type uint256): 3,
[info]                                    new_count (of type uint256): 4
[info]                                  )
[info] Transaction mined.
[success] Total time: 79 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 8:14:59 PM



> ethTransactionSign [optional-signed-transaction-as-hex]

Signs an unsigned transaction, provided either as a hex string on the command line, or via an interactively provided binary file.

Prints the signed transaction as hex, and optionally saves it in binary format as a file.


> ethTransactionSign
Enter the path to a file containing a binary unsigned transaction, or just [return] to enter transaction data manually: /tmp/new-fortune.bin
Do you wish to sign for the sender associated with the current session, '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (with aliases ['default-sender','testing0'] on chain with ID 1)? [y/n] y
The Chain ID associated with your current session is 1. Would you like to sign with this Chain ID? [y/n] y
[info] Unlocking address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (on chain with ID 1, aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])
Enter passphrase or hex private key for address '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4': *******************
[info] V3 wallet(s) found for '0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4' (aliases ['default-sender','testing0'])

==> T R A N S A C T I O N   S I G N A T U R E   R E Q U E S T
==> The transaction would be a message with...
==>   To:    0x82ea8ab1e836272322f376a5f71d5a34a71688f1 (with aliases ['fortune','fortune3'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   From:  0x465e79b940bc2157e4259ff6b2d92f454497f1e4 (with aliases ['default-sender','testing0'] on chain with ID 1)
==>   Data:  0x4cf373e6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000315468652064617920616674657220746f6d6d6f726f772077696c6c20626520612070726574747920676f6f64206461792e000000000000000000000000000000
==>   Value: 0 Ether
==> According to the ABI currently associated with the 'to' address, this message would amount to the following method call...
==>   Function called: addFortune(string)
==>     Arg 1 [name=fortune, type=string]: "The day after tommorow will be a pretty good day."
==> The nonce of the transaction would be 382.
==> $$$ The transaction you have requested could use up to 113234 units of gas.
==> $$$ You would pay 3.2 gwei for each unit of gas, for a maximum cost of 0.0003623488 ether.
==> $$$ This is worth 0.0488645474240 USD (according to Coinbase at 12:57 PM).

Would you like to sign this transaction? [y/n] y

Full signed transaction:

Enter the path to a (not-yet-existing) file in which to write the binary signed transaction, or [return] to skip: /tmp/new-fortune-signed.bin
[info] Signed transaction saved as '/tmp/new-fortune-signed.bin'.
[success] Total time: 76 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 12:58:42 PM


See unsigned transaction generation page, or choose a command below:




> ethTransactionView <contract-address-as-hex-or-ens-or-alias> <name-of-read-only-function-to-call> [<function-argument> <function-argument>...]

Simulates a transaction representing a read-only function call (calls marked pure, view, or constant in Solidity) to a smart contract for which a contract abi is available. Prints what the return value of the call would have been.

This is the most common way of checking the state of smart contracts!


> ethTransactionView counter count
[info] The function 'count' yields 1 result.
[info]  + Result 1 of type 'uint256' is 4
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Mar 24, 2019 9:28:26 PM